Cosmetics Career / Jobs Interview

Today’s class took place because of Linda Lanuza Climaco‘s exceptional personal BRAND and her growing NETWORK of successful, influential people who want to help her with her growing interest in Cosmetics.

Linda (center) welcomes Tito Suarez (left) and Lydia Watkins to today’s class.

Linda introduces Tito and Lydia to her classmates to start today’s class.

Brayan Rodas Ibanez welcomes Lydia and Tito to class with perfect greeting skills – good eye contact, a smile, firm handshake, and a friendly greeting

More students welcome Lydia and Tito to today’s class following Linda’s introduction.


Lydia and Tito begin to share their personal stories about their career paths in the cosmetics / beauty industries from the building of their important “connections” (network) who helped them get their initial jobs in the industry and at Sephora to their future career plans with their own line of cosmetics to a possible beauty salon next to Louis Vuitton on the Champs Elysee in Paris.

Linda exchanges her business card with Tito and continues her inquiry about her passion, cosmetics. Good job, Linda!   Daillany Castro does the same with Lydia in the background.

Donnell Lange, a master networker, follows up with Lydia after the class.


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