Welcome to a Career in Medical Care

Some of the emerging, exciting, fulfilling jobs of the 21st century are in

Medical AssistantNursePhysician Assistant.  Sonographer (people who create ultrasounds,images, for pregnant women, as well as ultrasounds of the heart and other organs). Radiology technologist (people who use imaging tools like X-rays to examine broken bones to cancerous tumors. Radiology technologists are responsible for taking and reviewing these images and they deal directly with patients.) Biomedical Engineer (technology experts who develop “medical diagnostic machines, medical instruments, artificial organs, joint replacement parts and prosthetic devices” that improve the health and quality of life for others).   AND SO MANY MORE!


from University Orthopedics who shared their personal stories and experiences in Medical Care CAREERS as well as their perspectives on the emerging IMPACT TECHNOLOGY IS HAVING AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE ON MEDICAL CARE.

from left to right – Medical Assistants: Jasmin Vinas, Ilna Fontes, and Nicole Giraldo

prior to the start of the Life Skills class, Central High School senior, Shermira Thomas, serves as the class host welcoming Jasmin, Ilna and Nicole outside the classroom.


Shermira offers her BUSINESS CARD to each guest prior to the start of today’s class.

After escorting our guests into the classroom, SHERMIRA introduces our guests to her fellow students. Well done, Shermira.

Following Shermira’s introduction, each student introduces themself to our guests and welcomes them to their Social Studiesd 2.0 – Life Skills class. Manuel Volquez leads the class in their introductions. Great job, Manuel. Firm handshake, good eye contact and a welcoming smile.

Jasmin, Ilna and Nicole begin sharing their inspirational and informative stories before answering the QUESTIONS from our curious students.

Class ends with a NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY for students to exchange business cards with guests, saying ‘THANK YOU’ and asking if our guests were comfortable CONNECTING on LINKEDIN to continue their conversation. YALEXA De La ROSA RODGRIGUEZ (background) and ANGEIRIS PENA (foreground) practice their networking skills exchanging business cards, saying ‘thank you‘ and asking guests to CONNECT with them on LINKEDIN.






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