Homework 10-31-14

1.  Read the profile of Cesar Chavez in your textbook beginning on page 65.   Compose only 3 sentences  describing Mr Chavez all the while making sure someone who has never heard of Mr Chavez will know who he was after reading your 3 sentences.   Your goal is for the reader to appreciate Cesar Chavez’s brand and importance in United States history.    Your sentences must be well written using correct punctuation and spelling.  Avoid composing ‘run-on’ sentences, in other words, too much information in  one sentence.   The purpose of this assignment is to train you to be succinct, that is, using the fewest words possible while making sure the recipient of your message fully understands and appreciates your message.   This is hard.

Takes a long time to master.   This is our start.

2. Watch this video  – It’s a follow up to the story I shared with you last week on the two wrestlers.   This is their story 4 years later.   It’s amazing.   It’s also a story of diversity.  It reinforces Wendy’s comment in class about the benefits of a diverse and positive, encouraging network.   With this kind of network, we all can do great things.   After watching this video, please share your thoughts about the film in a well written essay.

You continue to make me proud.   The questions you ask, your apparent confidence as you spoke in the group, how you greeted Wendy today to make her feel welcome, your great eye contact, smiles and firm handshakes during your greeting and saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ were impressive.  Keep up the good work.   You are building a great brand!

I am building a web site for our class:   hopelifeskills.com.   It’s still under construction but I’d still like to know your opinion.   Please check it out and let me know what you think so far.  There’s more to come.

What do you think about a parent’s night for our class?    Would love to meet your parent or guardian and tell them how great you’re doing in our class.    What do you think about this idea?

Where was Alyssa today?  And Raymond?   They were missed.    Please let them know we need their presence every week.  We all make a difference in the group.
Any volunteers for next week’s host?    We’ll have at least three guests next week.

Didn’t my 2 year old granddaughter from Charlotte do a great job singing that song?   Gotta put that in my playlist.

See you next week!  And always have your business cards to exchange with our guests!

Estar a salvo !

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