Today’s class: Wendy Lewis – 10-31-14
Wendy Lewis, a talented copywriter, performing artist and martial artist from CVS Health in Woonsocket, came to our ‘Life Skills’ class today, October 31st, 2014, to share her inspirational story of discovery. Wendy began with her high school experience at the academically rigorous Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan, New York City and ending with her present work at CVS writing the commercials we hear on TV and radio and the copy we read on postcard mailings and newspaper.
But it was the conversation in between that seemingly sparked the most intense curiosity.
Wendy explained her dedication to the martial arts and how its discipline and rigor has brought tranquility and balance to her life. She then shared pictures of her performing arts experience, most notably, her performances as a statue during the Providence Waterfires. She spoke about the hours long makeup process in preparation of the event. And then, the subtle ways she would engage and often times surprise the crowds who stopped in their tracks and began the often observed soliloquy ‘is this a real statue or a real person’ before her first slight move of hand would create an “Oh my goodness!!” from a startled observer.
Students were curious about where Wendy discovered this opportunity and then where she found the courage to do it.
“After focusing most of my time in school on academics, I realized something was missing in my life. I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and take a few measured risks.”
“This is when I found martial and performing arts which provide so much joy and fulfillment to my life today. I was also fortunate to have a diverse group of friends who continually provide encouragement and make me feel good about what I do.”
Wendy concurred we’re all born artists with the potential to create. All that’s needed is the will to try, to push out of our comfort zones and learn from each experience.