Claudia Cardozo, Latina Immigrant, entrepreneur, consultant, author, mentor, and mother of a young professional.
Claudia advocates for self-acceptance and self-love. Having experienced abuse and neglect during her childhood and lived in a low-income boarding school, she grew up with a tendency towards self-criticism and workaholism. Now, she helps others develop a healthier internal dialogue, leveraging the wisdom of lived experiences to shape a better life. She encourages young people to critically question their thoughts and not blindly accept everything, recognizing that our thoughts are influenced by our environment and conditioning. By cultivating a GROWTH MINDSET, we can manifest the lives we truly want. More about Claudia’s journey at
WHAT IS A GROWTH MINDSET – A growth mindset is the acknowledgement that you most certainly have abilities and intelligence AND they can be developed and improved over time through hard work, continuous learning, and perseverance (grit).
Claudia Cardozo, Inmigrante Latina, empresaria, consultora, autora, mentora y madre de una joven profesional.
Claudia aboga por la aceptación y el amor propio. Habiendo experimentado abuso y negligencia durante su infancia, y vivido en un internado para jovenes de bajos recursos, crecio con un tendencia a la autocrítica y el trabajo excesivo. Ahora, ayuda a otros a desarrollar un diálogo interno más saludable, aprovechando la sabiduría de experiencias vividas para moldear una mejor vida. Claudia anima a los jóvenes a cuestionar sus pensamientos y no creer ciegamente en todo, ya que estos están influenciados por nuestro entorno y condicionamiento. Al cultivar una mentalidad más saludable, podemos manifestar la vida que realmente deseamos. Más sobre Claudia en la página:
¿QUÉ ES UNA MENTALIDAD DE CRECIMIENTO? Una mentalidad de crecimiento es el reconocimiento de que ciertamente tienes habilidades e inteligencia Y que se pueden desarrollar y mejorar con el tiempo a través del trabajo duro, el aprendizaje continuo y la perseverancia (valor).
Liz Acevedo Pimentel (right), aspiring interior designer and businesswoman, acts as class host introducing herself to guest Claudia Cardozo and to her Central High life skills class. Notice Claudia is sharing her business card information with Liz after Liz gave Claudia her business card.
Liz accompanies Claudia into the Life Skills classroom
Liz introduces Claudia to her classmates to open today’s class. Notice how Liz’s classmates stand showing their respect to Claudia.
Walvyn De Pena Reinoso welcomes Claudia to Central High school with good eye contact, a smile and a professional handshake. Walvyn De Peña Reinoso le da la bienvenida a Claudia a Central High School con buen contacto visual, una sonrisa y un apretón de manos profesional.
Claudia shares her inspiring personal story with students from an orphan in Colombia to a successful American business woman.
Alex DeJesus practices perfect personal brand development and networking skills with Claudia after class.