Innocet Byiringiro welcomes today’s guest, Arnell Milhouse, to Hope High School and the Life Skills class prior to the start of today’s class.
Today’s guest was Arnell Milhouse,
Inventor, Creator, Founder and CEO of CareerDevs University, and the Entrepreneur in Residence at Brown University’s Nelson Center.
Today’s Hope Life Skills host was Innocet Byiringiro.
Innocet steps out of his comfort zone as he introduces Arnell to his classmates to open today’s class. Well done too!!!
Following Innocet’s example, all students approach Arnell to greet him and welcome him to the Life Skills class with good eye contact, a firm handshake, smile, and a friendly greeting.
Perfect greeting by Nehemias Rojas.
Ambar Tavares also welcomes Arnell in a very professional way: eye contact, firm handshake, and a friendly greeting.
Whatever Juan Serevino said to Arnell, it worked! Arnell was smiling and seemingly pleased to have met Juan and be in today’s Hope Life Skills class.
It worked. “Glad to be here, Juan!!”
Arnell Milhouse begins his story of entrepreneurial change and the rich, fulfilling opportunities accompanying it for those who have the courage to push out of their comfort zone to CREATE and work hard. And, no excuses, ever.
After class, time to network. Elliott Burrell asks and receives Arnell’s business card. I’ll ask Arnell if Elliott followed up with a friendly, well written email saying something like “It was a pleasure meeting you today, Arnell. I look forward to seeing, certainly at THE FUTURE FORUM #4 in December but hopefully before.” Now that would be impressive.
Dalanti Vanover also networks with Arnell after today’s class.
Arnell’s email address for those who wish to follow up with him.
Arnell leaving Hope today in his superCar. I’m always amazed when Arnell just says “START” and the car’s engine turns over, ready to drive.