Today’s Homework: March 6, 2020
1 Please tell me ONE thing you took from our conversation with Jeshua Zapata today. It could be something you learned; something that inspired you; something that made you think about the future you aspire to. Send your answer to my email address before 11:59pm, Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
2. Meg Stowe, the Director of Innovation at Rocky Hill Country Day, has invited YOU and ME to a special event, i.e.Venture Cafe’s Hack Education Connect on March 19 from 5pm to 8pm, at the VENTURE CAFE on 225 Dyer St in Providence. Students from a number of area schools will be part of in-depth conversations within small groups about their successes and challenges in and out of school. Students will lead the discussion groups. The format will be similar to our FUTURE FORUM. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GOING?? yes or no. IF YES, WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEAD A GROUP DISCUSSION OF SEVERAL STUDENTS? More details will be coming next week. YOU MUST HAVE TRANSPORTATION FOR GETTING TO THE CAFE AND GETTING HOME. PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GO BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020. SHOULD BE A GREAT EVENT; YOUR DECISION WILL BE SOMETHING SIMILAR TO WHAT JESHUA DID BY PUSHING OUT OF HIS COMFORT ZONE WHEN HE ENROLLED AT BRYANT UNIVERSITY. A LEARNING EXPERIENCE.