Today’s guests were Omar Reyes, Assistant Director of Admissions at Rhode Island College, Akintola Fayanjoula, an Admissions Officer at the CCRI Providence office, and Paloma Goico, a student at Rhode Island. Today’s hosts welcoming Omar, Akintola, and Paloma to Hope High were Jose Quintanilla, Darwin Morales, and Khadiatou Njie.
The topic of today’s conversation was the college admissions process especially at the Community College of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College.
The “meet, greet, and welcome” outside the Life Skills class prior to the start of today’s class as Jose welcomes Akintola (left), Khadiatou speaks with Paloma (center), and Darwin confers with Omar.
Khadiatou introduces Paloma to her classmates as Darwin (center) and Jose wait to introduce the other guests.
Following the introductions, Life Skills students greet today’s guests with a warm welcome and a ‘thank you’ for their time at Hope High.
Omar Reyes begins by speaking about ‘best practices‘ for applying to college and the economic and educational benefits of the Rhode Island College experience. Akintola awaits his opportunity to speak about CCRI application process, the requirements for FREE tuition, and the credit transfer process to other colleges after two years of success at CCRI. Paloma follows Omar with her personal story of success and her college experience.