Today’s Homework: December 23, 2016
1. Please share with me one part of Raymond’s story that made you think about your own life. Then, please imagine you are sending your statement to the email address of one of your college professors. I will provide you feedback in a manner I believe your college professor would respond to your statement. Please send your answer to my email address as soon as possible but no later than Thursday, January 5 at 3:45am.
2. Please let me know if you will be able to comply with what the class decided upon today with homework and attendance – #1 – completing all homework assignments by 3:45am on Thursdays AND #2 – ALWAYS texting me when you are going to be late or absent. Thank you. Please send your answer to my email address as soon as possible but no later than Thursday, January 5 at 3:45am.
3. Raymond was nice enough to share his story with you today. I think you agree, Raymond told his story well. Storytelling is an important skill we’ll use throughout our lives whether you are a junior in high school or an older business person like myself. Storytelling is critically important for building a valuable network of successful, good people. Your storytelling skills will be necessary when you interview for jobs or internships and completing college applications and admission department interviews. And then, after you tell your story, the most important part of storytelling is ‘the ask’. Read pages 1 through 21 in the “Telling Your Story” textbook on our web site. After reading these pages, please tell me one part of your storytelling skills you need to focus on to improve. Thank you. Please send your answer to my email address as soon as possible but no later than Thursday, January 5 at 3:45am.
4. Please watch this video. Steve Harvey tells a short story of only 2 minutes using the metaphor of a ‘jump’ to help us push out of our comfort zone. Mr Harvey is a credible and passionate storyteller. He is a very successful business person and entertainer after having been homeless earlier in his life. Please tell me when you have recently pushed yourself out of your comfort zone and the lessons you learned by doing this. Please send your answer in a well written statement with perfect spelling and grammar in short sentences to my email address as soon as possible but no later than Thursday, January 5 at 3:45am. Thank you.