Today’s Homework: May 3, 2019
- Thank you for the constructive criticism you gave me today on the power point presentation I will present to Hope High sophomores about next year’s Life Skills program on May 24th. The mission of my presentation is to give sophomores realistic expectations about our class, i.e. what they can expect from me, their teacher; expectations about the guests they’ll meet in class; expectations of our special events and field trips; realistic expectations of the homework they will be expected to complete; expectations about attending class each week or a text or email to me when the student has a conflict which keeps them from attending; expectation to always tell the truth; realization that the Life Skills class is a credit class which will be part of their overall GPA (grade point average).
- PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR SUGGESTIONS for improving the power point presentation about the Life Skills program –
- Finally, I would appreciate your suggestions about creating an opportunity to meet with each student parent/guardian to share with them the mission of the Life Skills program.
- PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR suggestions to achieve my goal of meeting each parent/guardian of each student in the Life Skills program.
Please send your suggestions to my email address by Tuesday, May 7th, 2019. Thank you.