Today’ Homework: November 17, 2017

1. After watching the following video, please explain how someone like Kayla finds the courage to persevere and, then, push out of her comfort zone to try a sport she had never done before.  Better yet, please tell me, in a well written statement with perfect spelling and short sentences, what steps you would take to get the courage to push out of your comfort zone to get the courage, like Kayla, to do something you’ve never done before. Thank you.  Please send your answer to my email address by Sunday, November 26th, before 11:59pm.  I look forward to reading your answer.

2.  Please read the article I distributed in class today.  After completing the read, go back to page 2.  On this page you learn MIT robot scientist, Daniela Rus,

designed a “dime size, origami robot made out of meat byproducts.  The robot is designed to be swallowed, then be guided through a patient’s stomach to repair internal wounds” inside a person’s body.

This assignment is now a challenge.  I challenge you to think of a job you would enjoying doing, 10 years from today, that takes advantage of artificial intelligence like a smart robot or super computer code.  Don’t let anyone tell you “it’s not possible”.  Use your imagination!!!!!  Don’t worry about how crazy it might be!  Imagine!!!!  Just think – who would ever have thought 10 years ago that someone would invent a “dime size, origami robot made out of meat byproducts…. designed to be swallowed, then guided through a patient’s stomach to repair internal wounds” inside a person’s body.  Be bold!  Be imaginative!   Please describe, in a well written statement with perfect spelling and short sentences, a job or a business you own, 10 years FROM TODAY, which uses a form of artificial intelligence like a smart robot or super computer codePlease send your answer to my email address by Sunday, November 26th, before 11:59pm. I can’t wait to see how imaginative you have been!!!!!Robot article - IMG_4382

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