Today’s Class: February 14, 2020
Today was a SHOUT OUT class!!!
This simply means the class mission today was identifying RECENT exceptional student behavior. First recognition was directed to Lydia Watkins for the exceptional development of her personal brand and networking skills to create an opportunity for a meeting at the corporate headquarters of CVS Health in Woonsocket, RI during the Hope High Life Skills class visit on March 27th. Lydia will be meeting with the digital beauty team about a 6-8 week paid summer internship!! Second was Innocent Byiringiro for collaborating with Mr. Cronin to create a meeting with professional photographer, Aaron Usher, an architectural and Fine-Art photographer who shares Innocent’s passion for photography. Mr Usher will be visiting the Hope Life Skills class on May 29th. Next, Jarlene Carona for great networking with Camberly Mariconi, a Brown University volleyball player and pre-med student. Jarlene followed her initial meeting with Camberly during February 7th Life Skills class with an appreciative text message. Camberly is majoring in a field of study that Jarlene has an interest in. Next step, Jarlene is planning her ‘ask’ to Camberly; maybe a visit to the Brown University campus to accompany Camberly to a couple of pre-med Brown University classes. Stay tuned! Mariely Brito and Omayra Corporan have been selected to represent the Hope Life Skills class at this summer’s 5 day National Youth Leadership Forum on CSI and Law in Washington, D.C. While the cost of going to the Forum in more than $3,000 per participant, Mariely and Omayra, if they choose to go, will go FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the donations of several Rhode Island companies who support the Hope Life Skills program. Mr Cronin also announced he will be looking to select 1 or 2 or 3 more students with great personal brands to accompany Mariely and Omayra to the Forum. Juan Severino was mentioned today for collaborating with Mr Cronin to get a meeting with Ed Ithier, the Director of Development at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, New Hampshire, when the Life Skills class visits the University campus on April 9th. Ed Ithier was a star high school basketball player at one of New York City’s premier high school basketball programs, St Raymond’s High School in the Bronx. Mr Ithier was awarded a scholarship to play basketball at South New Hampshire University. Ed Ithier is in Southern New Hampshire University’s Athletic Hall of Fame. And, finally, Josiah Diaz is collaborating with Mr Cronin to create a meeting with Sally Lapides, the owner of Residential Properties, one of the largest and most successful Real Estate companies in Rhode Island. Josiah has an interest in Real Estate and asked Mr Cronin to connect him with a successful realtor in his network. Sally will be a guest at the Hope Life Skills class on May 15. Josiah wants to connect with Sally prior to her visit to Hope High.