Today’s Class: March 16, 2018
Today’s guest was Kaydi McQuade, a partner at Back Pocket Resources.
Kaydi runs a temporary work agency, also called a temp agency or temporary staffing firm, that finds workers for companies looking to hire. Some companies need short-term workers. Other companies may be looking for permanent employees. Companies sign contracts with employment firms like Kaydi’s staffing/work agency to find all kinds of workers. Temporary employees are often needed for cyclical jobs for short term, busy periods of the year.
Today’s host was Rosa Rodriguez.
“Many job interviews will begin on the phone!” Kaydi began. “Prepare for the interview.
Do your research on the company. Consider having a page of notes ready to remind you of the important points you want the interviewer to know about you and your skills that will help the company you’re applying to. And, be prepared to ask the interviewer questions about the job and the company. This will show the interviewer you’re organized, proactive, and conscientious.”
Kaydi then presented the best way to present your brand during the phone call.
“Speak slowly and clearly. Be enthusiastic but not silly. When you must leave a message, be succinct; try not to use too many words. Leave your name and phone number and assure them you’re interested in the job. Finally, repeat your phone number.”
“Remember the phone interviewer can’t see you. So, your tone of voice is important! So, too, is courtesy. For example, say ‘thank you’. And, then, don’t hesitate to ask questions. ‘I’m happy you asked me that’ or ‘would you clarify the question? I don’t understand’.”
Kaydi then asked the students to practice some of the techniques she introduced.