Today’s Class: May 25, 2018

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Today’s Guests: Arnell Milhouse (left) and Garin Veris

Today’s guests were Arnell Milhouse and Garin Veris.

Arnell is a computer scientist and entrepreneur.  He is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Career Devs and the Founder of Intra City Geeks (  Garin is the former Athletic Director at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.  He’s an attorney and a former member of the New England Patriots 1985 Super Bowl team.

Today’s Hope Life Skills hosts were Francisco Gonzalez and Ayo Onajide.

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Francisco Gonzalez (red shirt) and Ayo Onajide (writing with nap sack) welcome Arnell Milhouse (lower right) and Garin Veris (top right) to Hope High School’s Life Skills class.

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Francisco and Ayo escort Arnell and Garin into the classroom. Please notice Arnell’s unique mode of transportation into the classroom. Pretty cool!

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Arnell’s hover craft which he used on the streets of Providence to get to Hope High today and his journey from the school lobby to our Life Skills class. Travel speed you ask? According to Arnell, “I can get up to 20 miles per hour!

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Ayo and Francisco introduce Arnell and Garin to their classmates to start today’s class.

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Following Ayo and Francisco’s introductions, students proceed to individually welcome Arnell and Garin to the class with their own genuine and professional greeting.  Walter Jimenez welcomes Garin Veras to the Hope Life Skills class.

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Yaritza Jimenez welcomes Arnell Milhouse to her class.

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Arnell and Garin begin to share their stories of change, challenge and success.

Arnell Milhouse and Garin Varis shared their inspiring life stories of success.

From Arnell’s turbulent upbringing in Roxbury, Massachusetts then onto a new home and life experience on Cape Cod before going to Johnson and Wales University and Garin’s in Chillicothe, Ohio  before going to Stanford University and then onto the New England Patriots in the NFL, both men asked our students –

are you doing the most you can do to be the best you can be?

Today class ended with a networking session for students to add both guests to their personal networks.

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Nayely Furcal and Lisanyis Gonzalez ask Arnell about the internship opportunities he presented in class today and encouraged the students to apply for.

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Walter Jimenez speaks with Garin Veris after today’s class while Ayo Onajide asks Arnell Milhouse about his company and internship opportunities.















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