Today’s Homework: March 17, 2017
1. Please send me a message through your LinkedIn site. If you have trouble connecting with me on LinkedIn, please reach out to Mohamadou, Aimon, Felicia, Deyreni, Yael, Imani, Sara, Justin, or Jorge (and tell Jorge I miss him in class!!!) for advice. They are very proficient on LinkedIn. Please do so before Thursday, March 23rd, 11:59pm.
2. Please read the story “9 Things Successful People Won’t Do!” I distributed in class today. Which behavior of the 9 listed do you believe is most important? And, please explain “why” you believe this behavior is so important. Please send your well written statement with perfect spelling, good grammar and PUNCTUATION and SHORT SENTENCES to my email address no later than Thursday, March 23rd, at 11:59pm. You all made me very proud today. You all should be proud of yourself. Your brands are getting stronger every day and your networking skills are impressive. I feel you all can be very successful in life. Stay focused!