Today’s Homework: March 29, 2019
1. Please inform me – YES or NO – in an email if you will be attending the CVS Jobs AND Career Day on April 26.
2. Please inform me from the CVS Jobs and Career Day form above (Buyers; Store Management; Pharmacy; Supply Chain; Forensics/Data Analytics;) which department you would like to speak with someone about their job. If you wish me to attempt to find someone in a different department, please let me know the name of the department. For example, David asked me if he could speak with someone in graphic design at CVS. Please send me an email with your answers by Wednesday, April 3rd. I need to confirm with our friends and managers at CVS. Thank you.
So far: Pharmacy – Lucy
StoreManagement – Jeanlania
Data Analytics – Jose
Graphic Design – David
3. Please send me an email with an attachment to your completed Neighborhood Analysis on an Excel Spreadsheet by Wednesday, April 12th. Thank you.