Please send me, in a well written email, your perception of the brand of today’s guest, Claudia Cardozo. Please make sure your description of Claudia’s brand has perfect spelling, good grammar and punctuation, and short sentences by Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Thank you.
Please send me, in a well written email, Claudia’s perception of YOUR BRAND. I realize her encounter with you was only during today’s class, for a few moments. However, often times, our opportunities to influence someone about your brand, who might observe you with others, at an event, class, or just walking down a school corridor with others, is only for a few moments. But, their observation COULD be impactful. You never know who will make a decision about a future opportunity and who in their network they will reach out to ask questions about your brand. This is why you always need to be aware of your actions in public. PEOPLE FORM PERCEPTIONS ABOUT YOUR BRAND DURING BRIEF MOMENTS. Please make sure your description of Claudia’s perception of your brand has perfect spelling, good grammar and punctuation, and short sentences by Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Thank you. I look forward to this answer. Your assessment will provide interesting insights into the present status of your personal development strategy. I look forward to providing you with my assessment how Claudia perceived your brand TODAY.