Today’s Class: May 17, 2019
Today’s class featured Raymond Perez, a soon to be Syracuse University 2020 graduate,
a 2016 Hope High School graduate, and 2015 Hope Life Skills student who returned to the Life Skills class today to share with students his interesting perspective on making the most of your ‘life after Hope’ opportunities.
Our Life Skills host today was Darwin Morales
who welcomed Raymond back to Hope High and introduced him to his Life Skills classmates.
“Raise your expectations of your students, Mr Cronin and Ms Nuri. Please. Demand more! I was not prepared for college.
The amount of reading, the quality of writing my professors expected of me and my ability to manage the significant amount of unscheduled time I had each day were challenges which almost caused me to leave Syracuse and waste the full scholarship they had invested in me” Raymond said to the class today. “My college performance was initially disappointing. I failed two classes first semester, freshman year. But I persevered and soon figured out how to successfully manage my time and force myself to read more and write better to meet the expectations of my professors“.