Today’s Homework: November 2, 2018
- For those students who have NOT given me your resume, send your resume to my email address OR give me a printed copy next class. Follow the resume format posted on the October 19th blog posted on this web site. Your resume is important. Thank you.
- Send your 5 Clifton Survey Strengths by Tuesday, November 6th, to my email address. I will add your strengths to your business card information. I am hoping to have PRINTED BUSINESS CARD PROOFS for you to approve by November 16.
- WE ARE PREPARING FOR DECEMBER 5th’s FUTURE FORUM. As a result, please finish your reading of THE FUTURE book. I am hoping your reading of the book will prepare you for the workshop portion of the forum where you’ll be asked in your small group to share an idea for a future career. The forum workshop is meant to challenge you, to liberate your imagination, ignite your creative thinking, to share your ideas about a possible career or new business you could start; it does not have to be probable, only possible.
- Please send me an email by Tuesday, November 6th identifying a phrase, sentence, or photo you encountered in THE FUTURE book which resonated with you. In other words, tell me the phrase, a quotation, sentence, or photo in The Future book which caused you to pause and think about ‘its‘ potential impact on you and your life.
- Check out the agenda for the FUTURE FORUM workshop listed below:
Future Forum 3
- 9:am – Meet/Greet and Networking:
Students meet and welcome our guests: corporate ‘Futurists’ and visiting LaSalle Academy students. Students will exchange business cards and continue to build their networks in the process.
- 9:30am – Opening remarks by Stephen Cronin
9:40am – Visions of the Future:• Steve Cronin will interview 2 futurists about their visions of what our students will encounter when they enter an “artificially intelligent” (AI) influenced job market post 2024.
10:00am – Workshop Activity.
• Students will organize into small groups with one or two corporate ‘Futurists’ for a collaboration to determine an interesting, potential economically successful, ‘future career opportunity’. This activity will begin with each futurists taking 5 minutes to speak with students in their group about their career path and their present job. After each group’s collaboration about a POSSIBLE future job or career pursuit, a group spokes person will answer the following questions:
The service or product the student group creates and sells
The customer – who will buy the product or service the company sells; e.g automobile owners, aqua-farmers, space travelers, fashion retail stores, parents, adolescents, adults, everyone, etc
The role artificial intelligence will play in the company; NB – please give at least 3 examples of tasks AI will perform in the company
The name of the company the students start OR the company they will work for.
Marketing channels (newspapers, television, social media, direct mail, etc) used to reach its customers and attract new ones
The geographic market the company will serve; e.g international, just African countries, just United States, just Europe, just Iceland, just Texas USA, intergalactic, etc
The role each student will play in the company
The President of the company
11:15am – Announcements – one student from each group will present their
2025 career vision.
11:50am – Closing comments – Stephen Cronin
Noon – Networking over a delicious Lunch at Hope High School: follow up student networking opportunity with our guests.
1pm – Dismissal