Today’s Homework: November 30, 2018

After reading “Lisbet’s Future Shopping Scenario” found below, please answer these 2 questions:

  1. What’s your reaction to the world Lisbet will be living sometime in her not too distant, 21st century future?  Do you like this world – yes or no – and then explain why you like or dislike it.  Please send your well written answer with PERFECT SPELLING, GOOD GRAMMAR and PUNCTUATION and SHORT SENTENCES to my email address by Monday evening, December 3rd.  Thank you.  I look forward to your opinions about Lisbet’s FUTURISTIC shopping life.
  2. . Why do you think I (Stephen Cronin) am giving you Lisbet’s Future Scenario to read just 5 days prior to FUTURE FORUM 3?  What possibly could my objective be for giving you this assignment at this time.  Please send your well written answer with PERFECT SPELLING, GOOD GRAMMAR and PUNCTUATION and SHORT SENTENCES to my email address by Monday evening, December 3rd.  Thank you.


Lisbet’s Future Food Shopping Scenario:    

Hello, Lisbet!   Welcome to Mr Cronin’s Superstore.” Sensors at the entrance of the store welcome Lisbet in her favorite ‘Lionel Messi’ voice as she proceeds into the store to get a shopping cart.  Lisbet still enjoys going to the market and the food shopping experience rather than simply ordering her food from her WeChat app for later, same day delivery.

As the cart handlebar completes a scan of her face and fingerprints, it immediately matches the results with the Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) profile of Lisbet and then quickly displays a list of the groceries she needs.  Lisbet’s AI profile has been scanning her food shopping habits for several years and, based on the data collected from the last time she shopped PLUS what’s been used and now missing in her ambient (IOT – Internet of Things) refrigerator and pantry, produces a list of items for her to buy.

Then, from her carriage handlebar, comes this message – “Let me know, Lisbet, if you’d like to add or subtract anything for this list.  And, based on what’s on your list and in your refrigerator, it looks like your diet will be needing some fiber and calcium.  Shall I add some milk and some almonds for a delicious spinach salad with salmon, strawberries, and asparagus I know you like?”   Lisbet smiles and responds “sure!”.     Lisbet then proceeds to make a few adjustments to the list based on the fact she’ll be hosting a dinner for three former classmates from her college, Loyola University in Baltimore, Maryland, where she majored in “ AI Marketing” and “Business”.   One of her classmates is from Florence, Italy and the other from the North End of Boston, so Lisbet will be making a few pasta dishes.  “I always make my own sauce, so let’s add tomatoes, garlic, cheese, lean beef and, of course, pasta for a few recipes I have in mind” she speaks to her shopping cart handlebar.  Instantly, the items appear on her revised list as well as the isle in the store where each item can be found.  “Will do, Lisbet” her cart responds to her additions.

Her autonomous shopping cart proceeds a few feet ahead of Lisbet and pauses as she checks out some ripe eggplants she considers adding to the dinner she’ll prepare for her visiting Loyola classmates.   As Lisbet places each item into her cart, cameras on the carts side bars recognize each item and sensors weigh the vegetables and fruits at the bottom of the cart before producing an item cost and the accruing total cost.

As Lisbet rounds the corner onto another isle, a well-dressed man raises his eyes from his mobile device to greet her.  From her AI Marketing classes, Lisbet realizes the important sales and marketing role the store concierge plays in a store, the access the concierges has to her data profile, and how well the concierge is paid.   “Hello Lisbet” the concierge says as Lisbet approaches.  “We’ve just received some deliciously, elegant Napa wines.  I understand your sister’s birthday will soon be here and I wanted to offer you a 15% discount on your first purchase of any one of our Napa Valley vineyard selections.  I know you and your sister like Christian Brothers wines.  Would you like a tasting of one of the most popular varieties?”  Lisbet just smiles and says “yes”.  The concierge knows her passion for Christian Brothers wines from her data profile.  Lisbet  accepts the tasting from a delicate wine glass.  “It’s wonderful” Lisbet tells the concierge. “I know she’ll love it.  Thank you so much.  I’ll take two bottles.”   The concierge responds “that’s great, Lisbet.  You can continue shopping while I gift wrap the bottles and bring them to you in a few minutes.”   The concierge then places each bottle on a table for a nearby android to place in a box and then gift wrap in beautifully designed wrapping paper with the Mr Cronin Superstore logo prominently yet elegantly displayed.

When the bottles are delivered, seemingly within one minute, Lisbet notices the colorful instructions on the wrapping paper encouraging her to scan her smart phone over the Mr Cronin Superstore logo for a video about a popular pasta recipe from the famous Italian chef, Giada Pamela De Laurentiis.  Ms De Laurentiis is an Italian-born American chef, writer, television personality, and the host of the current Food Network television program “Giada at Home”.  Lisbet has watched her guest appearances on NBC‘s Today show and has used some of her recipes in the past.

Lisbet finishes her shopping and glances at her smart phone to review the itemized list of her purchases and total cost.  She then says “ok” for her smart phone to instantly approve the purchase.  No need for cash or credit card.     In fact, there’s no store cashier or check out area in the store.  Lisbet’s phone utilizes her WeChat Wallet app which links to her bank and withdraws the money from Lisbet’s account to pay the bill.   If Lisbet forgets to use the app, the store would then withdraw the money from her account by the end of the day.   Lisbet has 3o days to dispute any charge.  The app works everywhere, from stores like Mr Cronin’s Superstore to restaurants and concert venues.  Stores like the app because there is no processing charge like the credit card companies charge them which the stores end up adding to their customers’ bill.  Customers like the app because of its ease and better security than credit cards.

Once Lisbet removes ALL her purchases from the cart and places them in her UBER autonomous, electric car, the cart guides itself back to the rack at the front of the store to await the next customer to interact with.   In Lisbet’s future, it will be illegal for anyone to drive cars.  Too dangerous; data has proven autonomous vehicles to be MUCH safer AND less expensive to own and use.  Research has shown only a few people miss owning a car because autonomous vehicles are easier and offer a more relaxing and productive ride; you can do other ‘stuff’ while riding an autonomous vehicle.   Most people and businesses will prefer autonomous services like UBER, GOOGLE, TESLA, LIFT, and Chinese autonomous competitors DIDI and BAIDU as well as hyper fast public transportation. Finally, Lisbet’s home will feature ambient devices and features which connect to the Internet of Things (IOT).   The Artificial Intelligence in LIsbet’s home will turn on her air conditioning or heating system to the temperature she likes as well as the lights on the first floor 10 minutes before her autonomous UBER ride turns into her driveway after work. Her coffee maker will have a warm coffee prepared to her liking minutes before she wakes up in the morning.   All of these things will happen in Lisbet’s future because of the significant amount of data collected about Lisbet and her habits.  Similar data will be collected on all people because everything people use and do will be collected by sensors which are connected to the Internet of Things (IOT).   Personal data will be continually collected, analyzed and used by companies and governments to make peoples’ lives easier and safer.


Today’s homework:   #1.  What’s your reaction to Lisbet’s future lifestyle?     #2. Why do you think Mr Cronin is giving you Lisbet’s Future Scenario to read?




Next Future Scenario –    High School Education.


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