Today’s Homework: September 20, 2019

  •  Please, watch these 2 videos featuring, Sophia, the first Android to be awarded ‘citizenship’ status in a modern day country (Saudi Arabia).  THEN, answer the following questions.  Remember,  I am convinced you are an intelligent, creative, push out of your comfort zone person who is more than willing to work hard and network to be successful.  YES YOU ARE!!!  Imagine…..
    1.  you are the owner of a company.   Please tell me –
      1. the name of your company,
      2. describe the services or products your company sells
      3. does the service or product you make bought by people (B to C) or companies (B to B)
      4. describe the person or company that would buy your services or products; for example –
        1. if your customers are people, is the person who buys your products or services male, female, or both;  what is the typical age of the person who buys your product or service (adults or kids)  OR do all ages of people have an interest in buying your product or service; are they rich or middle class OR is anyone able to afford to buy you products and services; do they live in a specific city, country or part of the world or is any person in any city or country interested in buying your products or services; is there are specific ethnicity or race more interested in your services or products or does every ethnicity or race of people interested in buying your products or services;
        2. if your customers are companies, describe the typical company interested in the service or product you sell.  Explain how your product or service helps the company that buys your product or service.
      5. describe the job you would program Sophia to do.  (Remember, Sophia is a ROBOT.  Don’t let her lipstick and voice limit your creativity and imagination for the job(s) you would program Sophia to do for your company.)
  • Please send your answers to my email address before but no later than Wednesday, September 25th, before 11:59pm.  Don’t forget our tenants for acceptable written communication: perfect spelling, good grammar, correct capitalization and punctuation, and short sentences. Read your answers before sending them to me.  Thank  you.  I look forward to receiving your answers.


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