Today’s Homework: September 29, 2017
1. Read pages 1 through 49 in “The Future” book posted on this web site. Take special note and review of the photos and the captions beneath each throughout this book. This assignment will be relevant to many of our activities and classes in the Hope Life Skills class as we introduce and develop skills and behaviors for future success. Part of your life’s challenge will be to identify careers and opportunities for your success. We will have many class activities and conversations about ‘the future’ this year in Hope Life Skills. The reading of this book is our first step to inspire you to think about artificial intelligence’s effect on future career and entrepreneurial opportunities.
2. After reading “The Future” book, please send me a well written statement identifying a career interest you might pursue as of June 2023. Next, please explain why you are interested in this opportunity and why you feel this is a realistic opportunity in an age of increasing artificial intelligence (robots, smart devices, algorithms, computer programs, etc.). Rest assured, there is no correct answer. I’m interested in you telling me what you think is possible and might enjoy doing at the same time. Please make sure your statement has perfect spelling and punctuation, good grammar, and NO RUN ON SENTENCES. Please make sure you send your answer to my email address NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, October 8th. Thank you.
3. If you have any questions about this assignment, feel free to email me your questions. I look forward to reading your answers.
4. Our next class will meet in Room 117 NOT 112!
5. For those students who did not complete our last homework assignment listed below on this web site – Today’s Homework, September 15th – it’s not too late. Please send me your late homework assignment(s) to my email address as soon as possible. Thank you.
6. Here’s a video to inspire your creative thinking for the career interest in the year 2023 you’ll be sharing with me as part of the homework assignment listed above in #2. This video is one person’s perspective on the future. My hope is this video will inspire you to think creatively, innovatively, of something you’d like to do in your future, possibly creating your own company with a unique idea or product or possibly working for an existing company to provide new ideas for its future success. I look forward to your answer to your career interest in the year 2023. Rest assured, there is no correct answer. It is what you think is possible and might enjoy doing at the same time.