Today’s Class: September 29, 2017
Today’s class became the latest installment of
a Sherlock Holmes like mystery – “The Case of The Homework Abductions”.
8 student homework assignments from the September 15th class were delivered to Mr Cronin’s email address.
“Only 8!“
a perplexed Mr Cronin exclaimed in class. 23 homework assignments were missing! The knee jerk assumption was ‘hackers!!’. Could this be the work of those same dastardly, cyber disrupters who infiltrated the Home Depot and Target web sites last year? “Is nothing safe on the internet today?” a frustrated Mr Cronin sighed.
What to do?
Only one way to proceed –
ask the question
‘why’. And, what better
way than the time-tested index card exercise!
Friday’s class also reviewed the list of guests coming to class in October and November. From a corporate Human Resource Manager introducing the skills and preparations for job interviews with a few role playing activities to reinforce the instruction and a ‘design’ evangelist from Singapore to several other inspiring story tellers, the Life Skills class has a full schedule moving forward.
The class reinforced last week’s reading assignment on
the importance of questions.
Mr Cronin’s resume was distributed and each student was asked to write down a question generated from their review of his resume or from observations to date from our first two Life Skills classes and BIF field trip.
The goal is to take our developing skill and comfort asking questions to coming classes with the many inspiring story tellers visiting us over the next several weeks. And then, for the storytellers who really interest us, asking for their business cards and making them part of our growing network of successful, credible, trustworthy professionals.