Today’s Class: April 28th, 2017
Today’s class was Part 1 in a series of three classes focusing on our students’ preparedness for their future.
The Hope Life Skills class first stop on their ‘future readiness tour’ was LaSalle Academy, a private high school in Providence, Rhode Island. Our mission at LaSalle today was, primarily, to

Hope Life Skills students on the walkway leading to the main entrance of LaSalle Academy in Providence.
extend to the LaSalle students an invitation to the Hope Life Skills “Future Forum”, hosted by the Life Skills class at Hope High on May 17th starting at 9:30am.

Cover of The Future Forum brochure distributed to the LaSalle Academy students today. This Syd Meade work of art is also the cover of the assigned reading for the Future Forum. LaSalle students were given a copy of “The Future” book to read prior to The Future Forum.

Mr Edward Cronan, a guidance counselor at LaSalle, introduces Mr Stephen Cronin to today’s student audience.
“The Future Forum” will examine the escalating disruption in the work force caused by artificial intelligence (AI) and how best to exploit the opportunities AI is and will continue to create. Students will collaborate with several corporate ‘futurists’ during the forum to identify future career opportunities. The
second part of today’s class introduced the concept of ‘personal brand’ and its critical value

A networking activity to start today’s class. Here Steve Cronin is introducing himself to Oliver, a senior at LaSalle.
to building a network of diverse, high character, successful people.

After extending an invitation to the Future Forum, Steve Cronin begins his presentation on the power and importance of personal brand and its relationship to building an invaluable network of diverse, thought provoking, high character, successful people.

The LaSalle students hosted a luncheon for the Hope Life Skills students in a private dining room off the main school cafeteria. Professor Michael Pare engages the Hope Life Skills and LaSalle students in a discussion during a delicious lunch.

Abby Almonte (standing to the right), Mr Edward Cronan, Mohamadou Mbaye (center putting the cap on a water bottle), Deyreni Ferreras (to Mohamdou’s right drinking water) and Maia (sitting with the open book) continue their networking during the luncheon.
Part 2 in the Hope Life Skills future series will be a visit to the corporate offices of CVS Health in Woonsocket, RI next Friday.
This is an annual Hope Life Skills event to one of Rhode Island’s largest and most successful companies to learn about the CVS corporate culture and the evolving job opportunities within this $150 billion, international company.
Part 3 will be “The Future Forum” on May 17th.