Today’s Class: January 3, 2020
Today’s guest was
Abby Almonte.
a business marketing and analytics major at Loyola University in Baltimore, Maryland.
Today’s Hope Life Skills host who welcomed Abby to Hope High School and the Hope Life Skills class was
Mariely Brito Leonardo.

Nehemias Rojas welcomes Abby to Hope Life Skills following Mariely’s introduction as other students wait to do the same.

Lydia Watkins greets Abby to the Hope Life Skills class which eventually led to Abby offering to connect Lydia with a CVS Health executive in her network overseeing cosmetic purchasing at the company. Lydia told Abby about her passion for cosmetics and make up.
After Abby told the class about her upcoming paid summer internship at McCormick & Company, an American food company that manufactures, markets, and distributes spices, seasoning mixes, condiments, and other flavoring products for the industrial, restaurant, institutional, and home markets,
Abby agreed to participate in a mock interview that simulated the interview she participated in to get the McCormick internship.

Abby starts the mock interview by approaching Lydia Watkins, the receptionist at McCormick & Company, to announce her arrival for her scheduled meeting with Steve Cronin, McCormick’s marketing director.

Following the mock interview of today’s class, Abby went on to share her strategy for college, career, and lifetime success. “I’m constantly looking to meet honest, respectful, successful people to add to my network. I just returned from a ‘year abroad’ semester in Greece where I experienced a new culture, began to learn a new language, and met a number of successful people. I never forget the importance of following up with a note or email and ‘connecting’ with the person on LinkedIn to ensure my network stays active. I am also interested in ‘change’. Just as the skills you need to be competitive for 21 st century jobs are constantly changing, I must change too or be left behind by those who do. For example, I began my college experience as a marketing major and added ‘analytics’ courses when a mentor advised me data analytics would increase my value and career choices.”

Lydia networks with Abby after class to follow up on Abby’s offer to connect her to Abby’s CVS Health contact in the cosmetics division. Other students also wait to network with Abby following today’s class.