Today’s Class: January 31, 2019
Our guests today were Ellisa Cox and Omi Hopper. Both women are employed by Sephora,
a French international chain of personal care and beauty stores featuring nearly 300 brands of makeup products. Sephora offers beauty products including cosmetics, skin care, body fragrance, nail color and haircare. The company was founded in France in 1969 with its present headquarters in the French city of Paris.
Both women also have personal investments in other activities.
Besides being a Manager at Sephora, Omi has her own makeup company called Bellisima (Facebook & Instagram: BellisimaMUA). Ellisa is presently a senior at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).
Today’s host was Hope High School’s own makeup artist extraordinaire, Lydia Watkins.

Lydia Watkins (left) welcomes Omi (center) and Ellisa to the Hope LIfe Skills class prior to the start of today’s class.

Following Lydia’s introductions, students welcome Omi and Elissa to Hope High and the Hope Life Skills class. Jarlene Carona leads the way by greeting Omi while Kately Taverez welcomes Ellisa in the foreground.

Omi and Ellisa begin to share their personal stories of stepping out of their comfort zone to pursue what they’re passionate about, developing and using their personal brands to build networks of successful people which helped both women create career opportunities. Omi and Ellisa also shared their aspirations for their future.

At the end of class, Lydia networks showing Ellisa her portfolio of makeup designs. Ellisa’s reaction “Lydia is amazing! We can use her at Sephora right now!!!!!” Lydia ASKS Ellisa if she would help her connect with people she knows in the cosmetics industry.