Today’s Class: March 13, 2015
Nan Quinlan, former Manager of Training and Development at TACO, Inc in Cranston, Rhode Island, returned to the Hope High Life Skills class for a workshop on ‘Resume Writing’. Aileen Rodriguez Jimenez was the Life Skills class host welcoming Nan back to Hope Life Skills. Nan previously visited the class in January to conduct a workshop on ‘Job Interview Skills’.
goal is to present an honest profile that represents you in the best way! This is what a good resume does“
Nan explained.
Nan went on to describe the outline for a resume most companies and organizations prefer to review. “This resume format presents the most important information about a candidate quickly. Each job candidate has a very short window to impress the interviewer.
Many interviewers are reviewing hundreds of resumes a week. They’re looking to find out quickly which candidate has the skills, attitude and personality best suited for the job.
This is the reason why this outline makes sense. It presents the candidate’s skills and experience at the top of the resume.”

Nan emphasizing the important of the ‘Summary Statement‘ just below the candidate’s name and contact information at the top of the resume.
Nan concluded the class with one other important recommendation. “A good resume may get you the job interview you’re looking for.
Make sure your interviewing skills are as good as your resume writing skills. They go hand in hand.
Don’t forget, a good handshake, eye contact, smile, enthusiasm, respect, a genuine introduction like ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you’, ‘thank you for making time to see me, ‘I’m very interested in this job’……..And after the interview – ‘thank you for the time’, ‘When do you think I’ll know if I’ve been fortunate enough to get this job?’, ‘I’m always looking for constructive criticism. Is there anything I could have done to present myself more favorably during the interview?’ etc.
The class concluded with Nan speaking with students during our regularly scheduled networking time at the end of class.

Nan showing Olimpia Aldana Perez a few refinements to her resume during the networking session of the class.
Ms Quinlan , I appreciate your time and help in today’s class. The advice on how to write a good resume and job interview skills were a big help for all of us. I hope to see you again soon.
Ms Quinlan, thank you for coming to our class again. Thank you for all the advice on writing my resume and for the other class on job interviewing skills.