Today’s Class: March 6, 2015

Salyna Rae Anza and Laura Reales.  Salyna from the town of Northborough in Massachusetts and Laura from the country of Columbia in South America.  Two successful students enrolled in Suffolk University’s Entrepreneurial Studies program came to Hope High today to

share their stories of ‘change’, ‘risk’, and ‘entrepreneurship’


the ‘perseverance’ and ‘hard work’ each requires.

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Jennifer (top left) and Aileen (bottom left) introduce themselves to today’s guests from Suffolk University, Laura (top right) and Salyna prior to today’s Life Skills class.

Our Life Skills class hosts were Jennifer Quenes and Aileen Rodriguez Jimenez.

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Aileen and Jennifer escort Laura and Salyna into the Life Skills class for their introduction to the rest of the class.

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Jennifer and Aileen introduce Laura and Salyna to their fellow Hope High School Life Skills classmates.

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Laura begins sharing her story while Salyna (right of Salyna), Jennifer (left of Laura) and the rest of the class listen.

Laura began today’s conversation. “My transition to Boston from Columbia wasn’t easy.  It was cold!  And, I didn’t know anyone.  Initially, the people in Boston seemed distantI really had to push myself out of my comfort zone to meet new people…..Now, Salyna and I are best friends……And

I work very hard to get good grades;

I only got two hours of sleep last night……“.

Salyna’s story was slightly different. “My path to Suffolk was longer.  I didn’t do well in high school.  I decided to go to community college to focus on my studies after high school.  I then worked hard to achieve my academic goals.   My grades were so good that Suffolk University gave me a full scholarship.  Like Laura, I am in the Entrepreneurship program.  I continue to studying long hours as well as having a job.  College is a great experience.  I’m glad I chose Suffolk”.

Laura and Salyna continued their stories about their families and the fact both women are the first to go to college from their families.  Our conversation also turned to respect and the

importance of being ‘on time‘.

“We left this morning at 4:30am to come to Hope High.  We got here early, around 6:30am, so we had breakfast at the Wayland Diner before coming to Hope…… I hate being late.  It’s a sign of disrespect.  Whenever you’re late, it essentially says to the person you’re meeting ‘your time is not important’.  Being late doesn’t help your brand and certainly doesn’t help you get or keep the job you want” Salyna concluded.

Today’s class concluded with our usual networking session at the end of class and the hope of reconnecting with both Salyna and Laura in the near future.

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Salyna exchanges business cards with Fernando Perez and Gisabel Salcedo while Salyna’s shares more of her story.

Isabel Romero, Aileen and Laura share a laugh during the Life Skills networking session.

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Salyna exchanges business cards with Jessica Dough while Hafzat Akanni (back left in yellow blouse) wait to exchange her business cards and speak with Salyna.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Class: March 6, 2015

  1. I really enjoyed Salyna and Laura’s visit to our class. I liked the way they communicated with us; they were calm and respectful. In addition, I really liked the fact that they seemed comfortable around us. This made talking to them and getting to know them a lot easier. Salyna and Laura stressed the importance of working hard. I agreed with them when they talked about this topic. I think that without hard work and persistence we will never achieve the goals we want in life.

  2. Great to see Salyna and Laura engaging with Steve’s Hope High Life Skills Class! They are great students at Suffolk and it is wonderful to see them take the time to “pay it forward”!

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