Today’s Homework: January 8, 2016
1. Go to page 140 in the “Story of Change” text book. Answer questions 1,2,3, and 4. Thank you.
2. For those of you given the first draft of our next textbook, “The Awakening: Massasoit’s Journey of Change, Renewal and Destiny“, I look forward to your constructive criticism of this document. Thank you for accepting this task. I will take it seriously. Please feel free to tell me if there is anything you disagree with. If there is part of this story you find confusing, please let me know. At the same time, please tell me if there is anything you agree with. If there is a perspective in the draft you find helpful or enlightening, please let me know too. Point out spelling and grammatical mistakes. You are expected to act as my teacher. I look forward to your constructive criticism. My goal is to refine what I’ve written to improve the expression of my ideas. Thank you again.
Please complete your assignment by next Sunday, January 17th, 9am.
Because of the assembly next Friday, January 15, our Life Skills class is cancelled. Our next class will be January 22nd. Make the most of your assembly on the 17th about after school activity choices. They seem interesting. I hope you find one to join.