Today’s Homework: September 13, 2019
- Create your Name Card, by indicating your FIRST NAME ONLY, in big, bold letters and bring it to the next class.
- Indicate the ‘business card’ design you prefer, i.e. #1. the business cards we have used for several years OR #2. the new design I circulated in class today. click on this link for the business card template of the Hope Life Skills card we’ve used for the past few years – Business Card template– OR – Press on this link for the different design: Business Card HOPE LIFE SKILLS2
- Read the article I distributed in class today or click on this link to the article “THE BRAND CALLED YOU” by Tom Peters ( After reading this article – #1. give me the name of a person you think has a great personal brand and describe your perception of this person’s personal brand. #2. what do you think is the best thing others perceive in your personal brand. LET ME Be CLEAR; I WANT TO KNOW ‘WHAT OTHERS ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT YOU’ NOT WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO THINK ABOUT YOU. #3. If I were to offer you a well paid position working in my company, please identify ONE of your QUALITIES that would bring value to my company; in other words, this quality of yours would definitely help my company be successful. #4. if you could change one thing about the way others perceive you, i.e. your personal brand, what would that one thing be. #5. YES OR NO – do you use social media – Instagram, Facebook, TWITTER, etc? #6. If you do, if people only knew you from what you posted on social media, what would their perception be of the personal brand you have created on social media? LET ME BE CLEAR; I WANT TO KNOW ‘WHAT OTHERS ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT YOU’ NOT WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO THINK ABOUT YOU. #7. Yes OR No – are you happy with the perception people have of the personal brand you’ve created by your social media postings?
- Send your answers to my email address no later than Wednesday, September 18, 11:59pm. Please – perfect spelling. Use short sentences with proper punctuation (capitalization, periods, commas, exclamation points, questions marks, etc. I look forward to reading your answers. Thank you.