Today’s Class: March27, 2015
“You should start your search for colleges NOW! At the same time, search for scholarship dollars. There’s millions of dollars waiting for someone to apply for; that someone could be YOU!”
It’s all part of ‘THE ASK’.
Today’s guest was Don Mays, Interim Director of Roger Williams University’s Intercultural Center. Fernando Perez was the Life Skills class host welcoming Mr Mays to Hope High School and the Life Skills class.

Fernando Perez leads Don Mays into the Life Skills class for our traditional introduction and welcome.

The Life Skills students converge on Don Mays to welcome him to Hope High School following Fernando’s introduction.
Don Mays began the class sharing his personal story, from his youth in a town a few miles from Ferguson, Missouri, the epicenter of racial tensions in America today to his studies at a theatre conservatory in New York City. Mr Mays was one of thirteen children from a poor family. “I was the poorest person I knew. And, most of my brothers and sisters, I proudly say, went to college“. He spoke about perseverance, the importance of personal brand and never being afraid to ASK. “I had no money. I asked the admissions director at the conservatory for a scholarship and humbly stated the school would be better with me in their community.
I must have told a credible story because, for the first time in the school’s history, they awarded someone a full scholarship.”
“Every college is looking for students who can meet their academic challenges and, at the same time, enrich the community of students attending the school. For instance, the school might feel they’ll be a better place with more Latino students. Or, they may be looking for students interested in performing arts, female athletes, computer programmers or students running their own businesses.
Schools are always looking for leaders. If you have leadership experience, like captain of your team or club or a leadership role at your job, make sure you note this in your application and interview.
Ask questions; find out what the school of your choice is looking for and then tell a convincing, humble story in your essay and interview how your brand will fill their need……. And,
if you like a school, don’t worry about the money. Apply to the school and then look for scholarship dollars.
The dollars are out there; you need to find them……..” Did you know there are scholarships just for left handed people?!?
Mr Mays assured the students he would coordinate
a visit to the Roger Williams University campus with an opportunity for the Life Skills students to meet and speak with RWU students
and, with Stephen Cronin’s sponsors help, a sumptuous meal at the University cafeteria.
The class ended with a Life Skills class networking session with Don Mays.

Manny Rivas introduces himself to Don Mays during the class networking time. Fernando Perez, Jennifer Quenes and Gisabel Salcedo wait their turn.

Chevell Burgess exchanges business cards with Don Mays during the networking session at the end of class.